We meet the NDIS requirements for the functional capacity areas of:

Understanding and remembering information, learning new things, practicing and using new skills.

Being understood in spoken, written, or sign language, understanding others, and the ability to express needs.

Social Interaction
Making and keeping friends, interacting with the community, behaving within limits accepted by others, and coping with feelings and emotions in a social context.

The cognitive capacity to organise one’s life, to plan and make decisions and to take responsibility for oneself. This includes completing daily tasks, making decisions, problem solving and managing finances.

NDIS funding can be used for self and plan-managed families.

We are funded under the NDIS category of
Capacity Building – Improved Daily Living (Early Childhood Supports – younger than 7).

  • Early Intervention Therapy (Mobile or In-Clinic)

    $190 per session (1 hour)

    50 minutes face-to-face and one-to-one therapy + 10 minutes non-face-to-face support.

  • School Readiness Support

    $190 per session (1 hour)

    50 minutes face-to-face and one-to-one therapy + 10 minutes non-face-to-face support.

  • Initial Consultation

    $190 per hour

    1 hour face-to-face in-depth interview to determine child’s current development, ability level, and learning style. This includes observations and goal setting.

    After the interview, non-face-to-face time may be required by the therapist for the preparation of the therapy plan and liaison with stakeholders (family, daycare/school, or other service providers)

    Sensory Profiling can be completed upon request.

    *Initial consultations vary upon your child’s individual needs. Initial consultations range from 1 to 2 hours.

  • Reports

    $190 per hour

    Early Childhood Provider Report for NDIS plan review

    Progress Report (Strategies and Recommendations)

  • Travel Fees

    A fee of 99 cents per kilometre plus the travel time to the service location (home or daycare/school) which is charged at the equivalent of $190 per hour applies. The maximum that we charge for travel per appointment is 30 minutes each way.

    Where possible, we book appointments with other families in your area on the same day to reduce travel costs.

  • Non-face-to-face services

    Non-face-to-face services are supports provided to children/families outside of their direct therapy appointment. Examples of this include the time preparing for your appointment such as reviewing documentation, identifying appropriate therapy activities to engage in to achieve you/your child’s goals, and reflection and documentation following the session.